o The Fusionals were the second band in the Music Cannot Be Confined project.
The band member have never met and are located in four different countries. The camaraderie that was developing during the less than two weeks of creating this song has been wonderful.
A big thank you to The Fusionals for their beautiful contribution:
Antoine Ladoué (Paris, France): Cajon and tambourine
Edgar Muzah (Port Elizabeth, South Africa): Bass guitar
Kenneth Whelan (Dublin, Ireland)Keyboard and Saxophone
Mandi Harkett (Somewhere Down-South, United Kingdom): Lyrics and Vocals:
To follow the band with the creation of their song, you can follow #thefusionalsMCBC on Instagram.
To follow all the bands and the Music Cannot Be Confined project, follow #musiccannotbeconfined
"The horizon is calling me but the uncertainties there
I have to fight the fear and I remember
Someone once told me
A road less travelled might lead you nowhere
but sit right down and just enjoy the ride.
The city streets aren’t lined with gold
so laugh at smile at those lies you’ve been sold
Take the wheel and drive
A road less travelled might lead you nowhere
but sit right down and just enjoy this ride.”
About the Author

Nicole Szekeres
Nicole is one of the founders of Fusion Products. Besides many styles of music Nicole is interested in digital marketing, International trade, has a passion for the outdoors and loves spending time in the kitchen experimenting with the creation of new dishes.