How to Play the Acoustic Guitar: A Basic Guide for Beginners

Learning to play the guitar

Are you eager to learn how to play the acoustic guitar? Then you are on the right part of the internet. On this article, we will teach you the basics of playing the guitar and other important things to get you started. So what are you waiting for? Read on!

An acoustic guitar is one of the most popular instruments today. Everybody seems to like it because it is pretty ubiquitous. It is the first step if you want to climb the tower of the music world. However, don't ever think that you this instrument is easy to learn. Depending on what you want to achieve, an acoustic guitar can be pretty difficult.

Aside from the skills, you also have to a real instrument. Moreover, you need to secure guitar cables and other accessories as well if you want to venture on recording and other related applications. Therefore, learning the basics of an acoustic guitar is crucial. As long as you learn the fundamentals, you can never go wrong along the way.

How to Play the Acoustic Guitar

Guitar Playing

Correct Playing Posture

Your posture affects your overall learning process. For example, sitting slump will prevent the flexibility of your movement. As a result, playing would become a lot difficult. If you are using a dreadnought, then you should sit correctly. Otherwise, you won't progress at all.

When playing, make sure that you will not sit on a chair that has arms. The latter will restrict the movement of your elbows. Remember, if you want to learn how to play the guitar correctly, then your playing arm should be free all the time!


You can play the guitar wherever and whenever you are. As long as your knees can do a 90-degree position and your arms are free from any restrictions, then things should be okay.

Learning the Acoustic Guitar Anatomy


Playing guitar

Nobody can master the acoustic guitar without familiarizing its parts first. Fortunately, there is no need for you to be meticulous. Just get to know the essential parts, and you are ready to go!


The fretboard is the part of the guitar in where all the strings are present. Specifically, it is where you will press the chords and notes of a song or piece. Comparing to an electric guitar, an acoustic guitar is pretty easy to play. After all, there is no need for you to think about amplification. All you need to do is gain mastery over how to play the chords on the fretboard perfectly.


The bridge is the one that holds the strings of the guitar together. The bridge should hold the strings tightly. Otherwise, the tone that the guitar will produce will be shabby and off.


The headstock also plays the same role as the bridge. Somehow, they hold the strings firmly on the guitar. But aside from that, the headstock contains the pegs. The latter is your "control knob" so that you lower or increase the pitch of your instrument. Every guitarist tunes their instruments about the song or genre they are playing.

Moreover, tuning is also among the basic techniques that a guitarist should learn. In any music instrument, tuning will have the greatest impact. If you can't do it right, then you can't get any desirable sounds at all!

Guitar Notes



Each of the strings on the guitar has a designated name and note. You have to know them one by one so that you can easily progress with your learning. Check them below:

6th string (the thickest) - E (low E string)

  • 5th string - A
  • 4th string - D
  • 3rd string - G
  • 2nd string - B
  • 1st string - E (high E string)

For beginners, remembering the name of the strings might be difficult. Therefore, you could do a lot of memorization tricks so that you can have them easily stored on your mental repository. Moreover, we also recommend "familiarizing by playing." The more you play the guitar, the more you can learn its intricate nuances.

Moreover, you have to learn the difference between a chord and a note. Just like what you have seen, a note is a letter. It means that it is an individual pitch that a particular string can create. On the other hand, the chords are the combination of several notes. In short, they are the words that form a complete sentence.


When learning the acoustic guitar, you should have a good grasp to all the chords that it has. For example, strumming the E, B, and G string is a way of performing a chord. After all, you are playing those said notes simultaneously. For beginners, we recommend that you should focus more on the chords and not on the notes. Trust us. They are far easier to learn than notes.

Playing the Chords

Always use your fingertips every time you are playing the guitar. Some people think that playing the chords with the fleshy area of your fingers are the appropriate method. However, it is not the case. Your fingertips enable you to maximize the vertical spacing between the strings. As a result, you don't have to worry about any muffling sounds caused by accidental contact of wrong fingers.

Also, your fingers should not be on the frets. Instead, they should be in the gap. In this way, you can prevent the production of "dead" notes. Moreover, it also trains you in playing the acoustic guitar in a smooth and articulate manner.


The process of learning how to play the acoustic guitar is a long road. Therefore, it is pretty important that a person should have the enthusiasm to venture in this vast and beautiful world. Aside from the basics, having the "heart" to play the instrument could help you advance and progress.

Of course, legends like Jimi Hendrix would haven't reached the pinnacle if they don't have the passion. So, if you want to be like them, then you should usher dedication and love to what you are doing!

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